Sunday, August 8, 2010

Forgotten God by Francis Chan (Book Review)

Forgotten God
by Francis Chan

Short Review:
A-mazing book. A must-read at 5 stars! If there is a recent book that I would suggest to read right now, this is it. Forgotten God is a balanced and straightforward work on the Holy Spirit.

This book is striking. Not so much in its insight, but in its clarity. Chan doesn't really present any new and astonishing information, but he has a remarkable ability to present truth from God's Word in a clear and simple way. It was been said that the best author puts words to what we already knew and have been trying to express for years. Francis Chan does just that in Forgotten God.

I was a bit leery when I began reading Forgotten God. I had heard some hype about the author and his books (I have not yet read Crazy Love), and was prepared for it to be a bit off-base. I was pleasantly surprised. Francis Chan is right on in this book. He has a diverse denominational background, yet (or perhaps because of) gives an extremely balanced presentation of exactly what the Bible says.

Holiness and the work of the Spirit is laid out as vital for every believer. The ministry of the Spirit is explained clearly (though not entirely, of course ;-) ). The believer is exhorted to a life that demonstrates God in a dynamic, substantive, and real way! It is inspiring, uplifting, and challenging. It made me do a lot of thinking, and a lot of praying. If you have not already, you should read it.

Is he a radical? Probably, according to today's standards. But if that is the case -- Lord, make me a radical too!

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