Friday, September 5, 2014

I'll Take My Persecution Comfortable Please

I'll take my persecution comfortable please.

As long as it stays over there
It can happen; I don't care.

I'm quite happy to pray
As long as it doesn't come my way.

But if it has to be
Lord, here's how to do it for me:

Kill me quickly; Kill me dead
Why don't you shoot me in the head?

I have no drive
to be burned alive

Crucifixion's not my style
I think stake-burning rather vile

I really don't prefer
a prison inter –

Or burning, or starving
or freezing, or carving

Chopping or sawing
Animals gnawing

Stabbing, impaling
limbless and wailing

Drowning and pleading
dismembered and bleeding

De-toed or de-eyed
Ripped hair, or deep fried

Boiled, roasted, or seared –
How about just weird?

Please, just shoot me dead
or poison me instead.

Lord, I'm in the ring
but torture isn't my thing.

Converts killed in front of my face
living with mockery and disgrace

Watching my spouse and children
beaten, slaughtered, sold at auction

Raped, made slaves,
trained in evil ways

Disposable moms
future walking bombs

This isn't what I signed up for
when I accepted you as Lord

Oh Lord – One small exception I'll make.
Some short prison sentence I'll take.

I need to do some writing anyway
so that they'll remember me someday.

Then – Kill me quickly; kill me dead.
Why don't you shoot me in the head?

I'll take my persecution comfortable please.

Say friend,
How much do you love Jesus?

© 2009 David W. Lorimer

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Is an unborn baby a viable human life?

JONES: Sir, please state why you believe murdering unborn children should be a legal and protected practice.

SMITH: It isn't murder, and it isn't a child.

JONES: How can you argue that it isn't a child? Genetically, the baby is 100% human. It's a human baby when it is born. Why do you say that it isn't a human baby before it's born?

SMITH: It's a non-viable blob of tissue. It's not a human because it cannot live on it's own. It's not murder because it's non-viable. It wouldn't live anyway.

JONES: I see. Bailiff, would you kindly take a large vice and crush the witness's head?

SMITH: What!? You're asking the Bailiff to kill me!?

JONES: No, I'm not. It's not murder. I have determined that you are non-viable.

SMITH: But I'm living on my own right now! I'm alive! I'm perfectly viable!

JONES: No, sir, you're not. You see, if I removed you from the earth's atmosphere right now and pulled you into outer space, you would die quickly. So you see, you're non-viable.

SMITH: But that's a totally different environment! If you leave me here, I'll be perfectly fine.

JONES: You said it exactly. You see, an unborn baby is perfectly viable. If we leave it right where it is, it will continue to live and to grow. It will be born and transition naturally to the stage where you agree it is viable (birth). It will do all of this automatically.
You argue that the baby is not viable because if we suddenly yanked it out of its environment into a different one, it would die quickly. But as I demonstrated, so would you. That baby is perfectly viable in the environment that it is in, if we leave it there.

Therefore, by your own words, you have demonstrated an unborn baby to be a viable human being.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Don't Think and Drive (17)

Random and funny things observed while traveling.

Deanna and I just got back from a trip to Orlando, Florida.  In addition to high prices and amazing weather, there were a lot of funny things!

One day, in the space of just a few hours, I saw:
  • A McDonalds with real plates . . . and a bistro . . . and an ice cream parlor . . . and bowling lanes. (yes, seriously) (Pictures below)
  • A woman in the men's restroom.  (She worked at the convention center, but it's still weird!)

    And the best one:
  • The SPEAKER'S Cell phone went off while HE was speaking, lol.

Our hotel door said "This door is kept locked 24 hrs a day".  I never saw it locked, not even at night.

One speaker's powerpoint encouraged every college to seek training for their "Faulty and staff ..."
(Hey, if they're faulty, they need training!)


Ronald in the McDonalds Arcade

Still McDonalds :)

 Some Great Pictures:

That is the weirdest looking helicopter I have ever seen!

Please make up your mind . . . !  (Below ... not below ...)
Lol, I've seen corrections before, but corrections on the SAME label?

A clear case of racial discrimination!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Comments on the Ken Ham and Bill Nye Debate

I greatly enjoyed the debate between #KenHam and #BillNye.
My thoughts are many, and probably too much for one post, so I'll try to summarize.

1) Both of them did a great job.

2) Ken Ham clearly presented the Christian worldview upon which the Creation model is based.  He even presented the gospel 3 separate times!

3) Bill Nye The Science Guy presented a number of clear challenges to the creation / Biblical model as presented by the Creation Museum.  He had some facts and good practical challenges.
a) Some of these were terribly unscientific and illogical (but presented in a way that would make people question).  For example, the argument about rapid speciation.  That's a valid argument, but no scientist in their right mind would accept an AVERAGE as a challenge.  It should be presented as exponential with a maximum cap.
b) On the other hand, some were very valid challenges, that were not met satisfactorily by Ken Ham.  Ham needed to answer the ice, tree, and fossil challenges.

4)  Ken Ham challenged Bill Nye with two fundamental questions at the beginning, which Bill Nye NEVER responded to.
4.1.) According to the evolutionary model, how do you account for logic and the laws of nature?
For those who argue that Bill Nye won the debate, you have to come back to this question.  Nye's arguments were based on logic and the laws of nature, but evolution cannot account for them.  That's a serious problem in the evolutionary model.

4.2.) Name one technology that could not have been invented by someone with a Christian / Creation model.
Bill Nye kept insisting the entire debate that the creation model would destroy intelligence and progress, and is "unpatriotic".  But he never answered this question.  Even some of the scientists and technological advances he referenced were Christian creationists or developed by them.

4) Ken Ham spent a lot of time drawing clear lines between Observational Science and Historical Science.  This is extremely important to his model.  If people realize this difference, the whole "science" claim of evolution falls to pieces.  Bill Nye simply denied it, without answering the challenges from Ken Ham.  However, from an outside perspective, Ham spent too much time there, and it looked like a lame cop-out.  (It isn't - it's fundamental, which is why he kept starting there.)

5) Unfortunately, for a person who relies entirely on science, Bill Nye stepped outside the rules of logic several times during the debate, engaging in logical fallacies and name-calling.  This was unnecessary.
Remember this part?  -- Bill Nye to Ken Ham: "My problem is you!"
But just the week before, Bill Nye was insisting that people remember "The debate isn't about our personal beliefs, but whether the model holds up to science."  So ... I found it "troublesome" that he stopped challenging the model and started attacking personally.

6) Unfortunately, Ken Ham did not go head-to-head against the evolution model very strongly.  He could have, but chose not to.  The debate was about the models, and I would have really liked to see him present his battery of facts that an evolutionary model cannot explain.  He has them.  I've heard them.  But he chose not to use them, and I think this really hurt the purpose of the debate.

7) Ken Ham kept his poise, professionalism, and cool the entire debate.  Kudos.  Bill Nye, on the other hand, resorted to emotional manipulation (the who patriotism bit), name-calling, insults (KY people are ignorant), and as I mentioned earlier, logical fallacies and attacking Ham personally.  That hurt his argument.

8) Ken Ham had answers where Bill Nye did not. (Major score for the creation model)
Nye:  I don't know. (Tells a joke).
Ham: We actually have a book that tells us why that is.

9) It's very difficult for two people to debate who don't accept the other's fundamental foundation.  Lol.  Ham's foundation is that God exists and the Bible is true.  Nye's foundation is that if there is a God, he has nothing to do with the world, and the Bible is irrelevant.  (He demonstrated that his fundamental foundation is NOT science, like he claims, because he dismissed out of hand a historical book that SHOULD be studied scientifically, even from someone from his perspective.  He did not allow Biblical testimony to even be considered.  He also stepped outside of reasonable science several times himself.)

This is why I think the person who presented the most challenging facts (Nye) appeared to have an upper hand.  But Ham was hacking at the foundation, and Nye couldn't defend his.

10)  Bill Nye kept claiming that the Creation model couldn't make and evaluate predictions.  Ken Ham kept saying that it does.  Ken Ham is right, and Bill Nye looked silly.  Ken Ham gave over a dozen predictions in his presentation.  He is also right in saying that even the predictions from the evolutionary model are actually based in the Creation model. (remember that question Bill Nye didn't answer?)
Nye kept insisting, but it stopped being scientific argument, and ended up crowd-control.

11) Additionally, Bill Nye ignored other things Ken Ham said, and kept saying, "I'm still waiting for you to ...", when in fact Ham had already addressed several of them.  To be fair, there were some he did not reply to, and he should have.

12) Bill Nye waited until Ken Ham could not respond to offer his most insulting challenges.  That's not even professional.  That's just rude.  Ham presented his questions to Bill Nye at the very beginning.

13) Both men believe their models dogmatically.  Ken Ham basically said that his belief is fundamentally in the Bible and it won't change.  He would not allow the Bible to be removed from his platform (this is valid).
When challenged about the dating methods in the Q&A, Bill Nye made it clear that he would not allow those methods to be removed from his platform (this is also valid).

14) To summarize, BOTH of them left the best challenges to their model unanswered.  And both need to answer them.

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