Monday, August 30, 2010

Christian Movies Making a Difference

Christians could never have made a difference at the movie theater if they never quit going.

With the Christian film business skyrocketing, even secular producers have gotten on board. Grossly underestimated for some time, Christians are now a significant market force in the movie industry. There's money to be made in Christian movies, no doubt about it.

Many Christians pulled out of movie theaters many years ago, in order to protest the rapidly degenerating morals and thematic content being shown. They were simply unwilling for their financial dollars to go toward an entertainment industry that did not support or even respond to their values.

Recently, the trend has reversed. With films such as The Passion of the Christ, The Nativity Story, the Narnia Series, and Fireproof, Christian films have taken the movie industry by storm. When The Passion was released, many Christians were calling for Christians to return to theaters to show their support for Christian films. And they did. Christians flocked to the theaters by the thousands, blowing the top out of the movie's initial viewing predictions. The same happened with Fireproof, as it became one of the biggest movies of the year!
The resurgence has prompted producers to sit up and pay attention -- "This Christian thing can be a major driving force for profits in the industry! Let's make movies that they want to see!"

Success. Some have mocked those Christians who pulled out of theaters years ago. Many continue to scorn those who demand that movies meet moral and ethical standards. But may I suggest that the modern resurgence of a real Christian movie genre is the victory won by those who pulled out years ago. They were noticed when they came back solely because they had left in the first place.
Christians could never have made a difference at the movie theater if they never quit going.

Other References

Saturday, August 28, 2010

They Gave Me a Phone - or - Google is Awesome!

Google releases free long distance calling!

All of you are familiar with Google. (

Many of you are familiar with Gmail. (

Several of you have entertained thoughts that Google may try to take over the world.

But only a few of you have been watching Google's acquisition of Google Voice with acute interest. (

Well, Google has finally done it!

The long awaited merger of Google Voice (formerly GrandCentral, for those of us who have been with them a long time) with other Google clients has finally arrived!

What does this mean? Simple --

FREE Long Distance Phone Calls anywhere in the United States (and only 2c a minute worldwide - no connection fee)!

As of yesterday (and for some of us, today), Gmail now has a "Call Phone" button. You can call directly from your computer, right from your gmail webpage. Any phone in the US - for FREE!

Way cool, right?

Not hardly ... check this out --

If you are a current Google Voice subscriber, the new Google calling service is directly linked to your Google Voice Phone Number!

What does this mean? Simple -- I call from Gmail, and you get my caller ID number (an actual US phone number). You call my caller ID number, it rings me. (My computer, my home, my cell - whatever combination I want!) All for free.

Free calling; free texting; free phone number!

Now, for some of my friends, this news is very thrilling. Perhaps not because they want to get their Google phone as soon as possible, but ...

Because they will be happy to know that my calls will no longer have a 000-000-0123 caller ID!

Read more:

Friday, August 13, 2010

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett (Book Review)

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

by Arnold Bennett

Short review:

Clever book, British theming. Worth a read because it is short. Requires application to today's culture, but has some excellent points and challenges about how we live our lives.

"Nothing in life is humdum." In everything, there is a cause and effect. Instead of focusing on the effect, if we will but study out the cause, we can find interest in the most humdrum parts of life.


For some odd unexplained reason, I was expecting a semi-sophisticated thrust against the modern busy American life. I say, but my expectations were quickly dispatched. For this is actually an old book, written to a British audience that was widely frittering away time. For a brief 7 1/2 minutes, I doughted that the book would be of any value to me at all. But again, I was wrong.

With cleverly written 7 1/2 minute chapters, Bennett applies British wit and humour to humans, life, and time. It is definitely worth a read. The entire book is roughly 1 1/2 hours. There is one major downside to this book: The ability to extract principles and reapply them is essential. The book does not directly apply to most Americans I know. However, the priciples and many of the ideas and challenges he presents certainly strike home!

In addition to dealing with some of our general assumptions about time, Bennett also presents an extremely doable schedule to follow to gain more from your week. He teaches a simple course on enhancing concentration and improving every aspect of life. As an added bonus, he deals with how to study subjects, specifically the arts, to gain knowledge, learning, and appreciation.

With something so short, it's hard to go wrong. You may say, "I haven't the time!" But you just read this, my friend.

After all, you could have read the first chaper by now.

I have decided to adopt Bennett's challenge regarding poetry. I have a general apathy regarding poetry. Yet, he recommends an approach for the beginner, and I wish to try it.

Free Book:

Free Audio Book:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Forgotten God by Francis Chan (Book Review)

Forgotten God
by Francis Chan

Short Review:
A-mazing book. A must-read at 5 stars! If there is a recent book that I would suggest to read right now, this is it. Forgotten God is a balanced and straightforward work on the Holy Spirit.

This book is striking. Not so much in its insight, but in its clarity. Chan doesn't really present any new and astonishing information, but he has a remarkable ability to present truth from God's Word in a clear and simple way. It was been said that the best author puts words to what we already knew and have been trying to express for years. Francis Chan does just that in Forgotten God.

I was a bit leery when I began reading Forgotten God. I had heard some hype about the author and his books (I have not yet read Crazy Love), and was prepared for it to be a bit off-base. I was pleasantly surprised. Francis Chan is right on in this book. He has a diverse denominational background, yet (or perhaps because of) gives an extremely balanced presentation of exactly what the Bible says.

Holiness and the work of the Spirit is laid out as vital for every believer. The ministry of the Spirit is explained clearly (though not entirely, of course ;-) ). The believer is exhorted to a life that demonstrates God in a dynamic, substantive, and real way! It is inspiring, uplifting, and challenging. It made me do a lot of thinking, and a lot of praying. If you have not already, you should read it.

Is he a radical? Probably, according to today's standards. But if that is the case -- Lord, make me a radical too!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Don't Think and Drive (13)

If you've read my blog long, you know what this series is -- random comments and funny things observed while I am traveling!

Comments on the journey:
I learned some "cool" math. In my car (whose air conditioning recently quit), I discovered that having 3 windows down blows a lot more air than having 4 windows down! Who would have guessed?

My thermometer read 101 when I left the second week of youth camp. You know, 101 doesn't feel nearly as bad after you've spent 1 1/2 weeks outside without entering air conditioning!

This was the first trip where I've crossed the Blue Ridge mountains east to west. It really started sinking in when I realized I had been driving fairly steeply downhill for a full 15 miles!! (Now, going back up the other side ....)

Ever heard of Fat Albert? How about Fat Albert's Car? (Bill Cosby show) Well, Fat Albert's truck passed me on the interstate. Yup, sounded like I got passed by a Cessna! I was cracking up!

At a homeschool conference recently, my dad was looking for a certain book. He walked around the exhibit area asking people, "Do you have a well-trained mind?" Most replied no. :-)
Another couple asked a vendor if he had a human body. He replied, "no, but I think the guy over there does!" Apparently, following some investigation, Dad discovered this guy did not have a human body or a well-trained mind! LOL

The funny things you see when you travel:

I saw a license plate that read
"Dun Quit" - Must be retired! :)

How would you like to stop off at Gum Spring Mineral for a bite to eat?

I really like to see signs of Christian evangelism when I'm traveling. It's often arrays of 3 crosses arranged on a hill. But sometimes you get to see signs posted all over that say "Keep Right"!

Signs ...

"Emergency Vehicles Towed Away" -- I'm still trying to figure this one out, lol.

Airhill Church -- I think I've met their pastor ...

"Barefoot Children Enrolling Now!" -- When do the properly shod children enroll?

One sign simply read:
"Earn up to 40 cents!" Now that's my idea of a dream job!

Greek House Italian Restaurant -- Huh?

Church sign:
"It is better to be alone then in bad company." (Read it again) -- Personally, I'm not sure the order matters very much!

"New Trucks -- Half Off!!"
(this unit only)
-- I wish I had a picture of this. It was a car dealership with this sign prominently displayed on a demolished pickup with the entire top sheared off! Clever advertising. Made me want to stop, lol.

One sign ordered, "No Stopping". Lol, except that the entire interstate was completely parked at the exact place where I spotted this sign!

Another demanded, "Maintain 55". Traffic was moving at 20 mph ... so I'm a bit worried what would happen if I obeyed this sign.

Anti-discrimination laws must have gone into effect on the high occupancy vehicle lane. The sign read,
"Restricted Lane. Open to All"
Oh yeah -- "$76 fine". -- I can't decide which bothers me more. The fact that they have the fine listed to the exact dollar, or listing such a clear punishment for an offense that is impossible to commit!

Then again, it must have been this way for awhile - long enough that my directions simply told me to use the HOV lane! Check it out:

"Archaic Parking" -- Carriages and steam cars only, please.

This is how one sign was written:
No Pets
For Rent
Country House
--Except that I only saw the first 2 lines! LOL

"Huge Tire Sale" -- Apparently they have special prices for all your Caterpillar needs!

Above a drinking fountain:
"Do not pour anything down this drain". --- Um, including water?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer 2010 Travelogue Part 2 (July 19-26)

Continued. Be sure to catch Part 1 if you missed it:

Appalachian Youth Camp
Monday started with a short trip to AYC Camp.> General orientation informed me that I had 5 distinct responsibilites. No worries; that's what we're there for! Monday night is exciting, because that's when teams are assigned! I was coach for the AA Jordanaires - and we had a great team!

The rest of the week was spent Bible Quizzing and playing basketball, volleyball, and softball. We had an awesome team! I really enjoyed the week with you all. Give a shout out if you're reading this! Kudos to Pam for her investment and preparation in the Bible Bowl! I enjoyed how you all really invested yourself in everything we did. We worked hard, and played hard, and it payed off! The 2nd day, we were 2nd place overall (1st in our division)! The 3rd day, we were 3rd overall. The last day, we dropped to 5th overall, thanks to playing against the #1 and #2 teams that day, lol. Special recognition to Tamera for playing on an injured ankle, and to Ryan for staying in and playing even though he was quite sick! Thanks guys! Each one of you was a great contribution to the team, and we couldn't have done it without you. I enjoyed having each one of you on the team!

In addition to coach, I was also a member of Team Compassion, Head Usher, Counselor, and Dorm Master. I have some great stories from that last position! lol.
The barn party was a blast! I helped out with some activities. It was a lot of fun. We finished out the week with the all-star games. There was some spectacular playing, and the Stars beat the Stiffs, which is very rare!

In Fortification

I left immediately after camp for a weekend of vacation. I drove down to Fort Monroe, VA to see my friends Josh and TJ (and the new addition, Rachel). I had a great time! We got to visit and catch up. :) They showed me around Fort Monroe, from the old battlements and guns to the museum, to the new destroyer that just happened to sail by, lol. (Be sure to check out the pictures!: ) While it was nice to not have to wake up at a youth-camp-early-hour, I did anyway. Too used to it.

To the Beach!
Well, sorta. Leaving there, I headed south through the tunnel under the bay, and arrived shortly in Virginia Beach. I was headed to visit Chris and Hsin! I spent the rest of the weekend with my amazing friends Chris, Hsin, and Liz (who lives right near them now!). It was SO great to see them all again. We talked, laughed, played games, helped move Liz in to her new place, caught up, talked about old times, and had a wonderful time! The move in began to resemble creation -- from choas to order, and vegetation ensued! (that is, Chris and I playing video games!, lol) I learned a lot more about the special bond of friendship and what it means. It was a very special and wonderful weekend.
Visited Chris and Hsin's church on Sunday. Listened to a couple audio books on the trips. Watch the blog for more notes about those!

Over the Hills and Through the Woods
Headed home again ... About a 10 hour drive on Monday. My car lacks air conditioning, but thanks to a lucky incident (thanks to Shushan's phone call), I discovered that if I left 1 window up, an air vortex was created in the car that kept me quite cool. I spent some time praying and thinking the first part of the trip, talking on the phone for part of the trip, and the rest of the trip was spent with some awesome audio books. (Watch the blog for more about those later.)

I got on I-64 within 5 minutes of leaving their house, and stayed on it all the way back to KY. Lol, it made directions easy! The trip stayed interesting, as 7 hours were all new road to me -- even crossing the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains! Got home about 9:30pm, completing a very enjoyable 2 weeks of travel.

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