Sunday, October 11, 2015

Rees Howells, Intercessor, by Norman Grubb

Rees Howells, Intercessor
by Norman Grubb
A Book Review

Short Review:
This biography will blow your concept of prayer. If you're a Christian, and want a deeper prayer life, and especially if you are discouraged or a skeptic about prayer, definitely read this book.

Long Review:
Intercessor is a biography of Rees Howells, a man who God taught to pray. It just tells the story of Rees Howells, but as it does, it reveals a level of prayer that many of us have never even dreamed of. In this book, prayer is not a beggar's list presented to God. In fact God told Howells he wasn't allowed to pray – unless God told him to. You'll want to read the entire book – each chapter challenged me in a different way, and the book as a whole left me reeling, asking God for insight in my own life.

Related Book: Remarkable Miracles

Remarkable Miracles by G.C. Bevington

Remarkable Miracles
by G.C. Bevington
A Book Review

Short Review:
Miracles through prayer. This book will blow your mind. The story of an odd little man, with Bible-story-style answers to prayer.

Long Review:
Wow, I don't even know how to take this book. It's an autobiography of G.C. Bevington, a man with a remarkable testimony, an odd and eccentric life, and such crazy results from prayer that you might not even believe it! I found it difficult to connect this book to my own life, but I loved reading the stories of how amazing results can come through prayer! The writing style is a bit rough (like he's just talking out loud), but the stories are engaging, so you don't notice too much. It will leave you thinking – no, marveling!

You can find some older versions of this book for free online, under the title Remarkable Incidents and Modern Miracles Through Prayer and Faith, by G.C. Bevington

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