Thursday, December 31, 2009

5 Things You Should Know About Google Chrome

Why you should switch to Google Chrome . . . and why not to.

A comparison of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome internet browsers.

The Greatest Reason to switch to Chrome:
1. Chrome handles Facebook chat wonderfully! Guys, when you were trying to sell me on Chrome, if you would have said that it doesn't have the annoying Facebook chat issues, the would have sealed the deal!
Let's face it, Firefox just doesn't handle facebook chat very well. Every time you receive an IM, it stops you from typing, even if you were trying to reply! What's worse, if you hit backspace, it's likely to go back a page, and you lose everything on the page you were working on.
Chrome, however, works like one would expect it to. No errors or problems, the chat just pops up, and you can check it when you want to. No interrupted typing; no lost data.

The other jabberings:
2. Chrome runs every new tab as a separate process. This has some benefits, such as more efficient operation on multi-processor machines, and less risk of losing all your tabs if one crashes. However, for a heavy browser user like myself, it wasn't impressive. I am often using 10-30 tabs at a time, and adding that many processses kinda fills up the task manager. (If you don't understand that last sentence, don't worry about it. Just ignore this entire paragraph.)

3. Chrome has been touted as faster and less intensive, using less system resources. Say what you like, but my experience says this point is mostly moot. Sometimes it loads faster than Firefox; sometimes slower. With few tabs open, it uses less resources; with many tabs open, it uses more. Check out these notes from my experiments:
"Chrome is using less resources right now. I'm gonna kill Firefox and see if it speeds things up ... since it's receiving all these Facebook IMs also ..."

"Hmm, ok. I just managed to stall Chrome like firefox stalls. It uses a good bit of system resources, and steadily uses more until it's closed, just like Firefox.
I don't think there's significant benefit in speed or resources."

"Now I'm using Chrome pretty heavily, and I noticed a significant computer slowdown. So I opened firefox at the same time, and opened the same amount of tabs (10). Chrome is using 77% MORE system resources than Firefox."

(Really) Odd Things:
4. Chrome seems to have been designed with Facebook in mind. It appears that Chrome can stay logged into Facebook, even when the same account is being accessed from another computer! (Yup, I tried it.)
"LOL, what on earth did google do? Firefox and Chrome are SO closely linked, that not only can BOTH be logged into the same Facebook account at the same time, but both will ALSO receive the same instant message -- as though they are exactly the same program. *Cough Cough*"

The Deal Breaker
5. There is no Ad Blocking plugin for Chrome. If you have been using Firefox with Ad Block Plus, this will be one of the first things you notice when using Chrome. There are ads everywhere, and you can't get rid of them! I did not realize how many ads there are now (and how bad some of them are, I might add), because I never see them in Firefox. Unfortunately, this is the deal-breaker for me. Chrome is nice, and I really like smooth Facebook operation, but it just can't top having complete control over your ads.

If/when Chrome has an adblocking plugin, Chrome will become my browser of choice.

Friday, December 25, 2009

How much did you spend this Christmas?

Christmas ... money ... materialism ... shopping ... greed ... money ... gifts ... shopping ... money ... Christmas.

What Does Christmas Cost?
$1.5 Million Dollars per minute on Christmas Eve. Oh, and that's just in Britain. (1)
$24.9 Billion Dollars on holiday spending (up to December 21). Oh, sorry guys, that's just online spending. (2)
$133.6 Billion -- $133,600,000,000.00 was the approximate spending last year. Oh, that's only for the US. :-) (3)

For a bit of comparison, that is the approximate equivalent of the Gross Domestic Product (for the entire year, mind you), of Morocco or Slovakia.

Or to look at it another way, Americans spend more on Winter Holidays than 135 of the worlds' nations' individual entire economic output for an entire year! (according to the CIA factbook). (4)

What Would Jesus Do?
How much did you spend? How much is it worth?
Seriously guys, "What Would Jesus Do?" Would he really spend so much on gifts!?

Wait -- maybe He would ...

Jesus gave up his house, that He might live in men. He gave up His salary. He gave up respect. He gave up fame. He gave up His security. He gave up His rights. He gave up what He knew He could do, in order to do something that only He could do.

He came to preach the gospel. He came to present a message that would change the lives forever of those who heard it. He came to change the world.

And He came to die. He knew He was going to die – that's the whole reason why He came. He was the only way; the sinless sacrifice for the sins of a fallen humanity. His gift brought life and freedom. He did it all because of the passion He had that whoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

God spent more on His gift than the Gross Domestic Product of the entire world. Jesus became a gift whose cost is beyond human comprehension. Christmas cost a lot!

What does Christmas cost? Was it worth it?

Have you heard the good news? God came down from heaven to take away the penalty of the wrong things we have done!
Merry Christmas!!!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16 NIV)


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Don't Think and Drive (10)

Today's Travels were short, but found a bit of humor.

Those restricted access signs --
Animals on Foot" -- Apparently animals on motor scooters are ok?

Not sure why this struck me so funny --
The rear license plate on a brand new black Lexus: "Oh Well"

One shop was advertising their wares with a slightly confusing sign -
"Ceramic Carpet" -- Now THIS I've got to see!

Slightly later:
Installation instructions can sometimes be confusing. Tonight I was greeted with these messages, with no other messages in between:

"Important: DO NOT connect the printer ..."
"Cannot find the printer - make sure it is connected to your computer ..."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are You Surviving?

Why get a job so you can survive in this life?
Why just live life, and tag God onto it?
Sure that's great and all -- but life is nothing if you're just surviving it. You're just making money to get along, so you can continue to survive in life.

Is it not so much better to use your life completely for God? Serving Him personally, yes, but so much more. Why not spend your life being a witness and a minister for Christ, telling others about Him? Are you actively trying to build the Kingdom?
Yes, we must "survive" life, but if surviving is all we do, what good is it? Would it not be better to "survive" only 4 years of life, and have used those 4 years completely for God?

I'm not saying that a secular career is bad. You can be a minister for God in a secular career too. But we have about 85 years here, and then we're gone. Just 85 years - it's not really much time. And for most of us, we've used at least 1/4 of it already. And it really won't matter how well-off we were. Our money won't matter and our job won't matter. One thing will matter -- Did we make a difference?

This life isn't going to matter once we're gone. Why on earth are we spending 95% of life just "surviving" life? That means 95% of everything is absolutely worthless! Why not spend all of life for God? Maybe that means 80% working with people -eternal people- and just 20% to support ourselves doing it.

Why not?
Is your life worth anything or are you just surviving?

"The length of our days is seventy years--or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away."
-Psalm 90:10
"I've never understood why people spend all day at a job they don't like, to support a life they aren't happy with, and to pay for a house they don't live in!"

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Impossible Museum

Museums have a lot of things, but
There are some things you just can't put on display --

The man who holds the Guinness book of World Records for humility.
First paper ever thrown away in Bill Gate's office.
First atom ever divided.
The first plane used in a Japanese Kamikaze mission.
The rocket upper stage from Apollo 11.
The Vanguard I.
The first ice hotel to make 1 million dollars.
Peter's first handkerchief, before they figured out they could cure diseases. (Acts 19:11-12)
The Hindenburg.
Last bomb to be used in World War II.

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