Friday, August 6, 2010

Don't Think and Drive (13)

If you've read my blog long, you know what this series is -- random comments and funny things observed while I am traveling!

Comments on the journey:
I learned some "cool" math. In my car (whose air conditioning recently quit), I discovered that having 3 windows down blows a lot more air than having 4 windows down! Who would have guessed?

My thermometer read 101 when I left the second week of youth camp. You know, 101 doesn't feel nearly as bad after you've spent 1 1/2 weeks outside without entering air conditioning!

This was the first trip where I've crossed the Blue Ridge mountains east to west. It really started sinking in when I realized I had been driving fairly steeply downhill for a full 15 miles!! (Now, going back up the other side ....)

Ever heard of Fat Albert? How about Fat Albert's Car? (Bill Cosby show) Well, Fat Albert's truck passed me on the interstate. Yup, sounded like I got passed by a Cessna! I was cracking up!

At a homeschool conference recently, my dad was looking for a certain book. He walked around the exhibit area asking people, "Do you have a well-trained mind?" Most replied no. :-)
Another couple asked a vendor if he had a human body. He replied, "no, but I think the guy over there does!" Apparently, following some investigation, Dad discovered this guy did not have a human body or a well-trained mind! LOL

The funny things you see when you travel:

I saw a license plate that read
"Dun Quit" - Must be retired! :)

How would you like to stop off at Gum Spring Mineral for a bite to eat?

I really like to see signs of Christian evangelism when I'm traveling. It's often arrays of 3 crosses arranged on a hill. But sometimes you get to see signs posted all over that say "Keep Right"!

Signs ...

"Emergency Vehicles Towed Away" -- I'm still trying to figure this one out, lol.

Airhill Church -- I think I've met their pastor ...

"Barefoot Children Enrolling Now!" -- When do the properly shod children enroll?

One sign simply read:
"Earn up to 40 cents!" Now that's my idea of a dream job!

Greek House Italian Restaurant -- Huh?

Church sign:
"It is better to be alone then in bad company." (Read it again) -- Personally, I'm not sure the order matters very much!

"New Trucks -- Half Off!!"
(this unit only)
-- I wish I had a picture of this. It was a car dealership with this sign prominently displayed on a demolished pickup with the entire top sheared off! Clever advertising. Made me want to stop, lol.

One sign ordered, "No Stopping". Lol, except that the entire interstate was completely parked at the exact place where I spotted this sign!

Another demanded, "Maintain 55". Traffic was moving at 20 mph ... so I'm a bit worried what would happen if I obeyed this sign.

Anti-discrimination laws must have gone into effect on the high occupancy vehicle lane. The sign read,
"Restricted Lane. Open to All"
Oh yeah -- "$76 fine". -- I can't decide which bothers me more. The fact that they have the fine listed to the exact dollar, or listing such a clear punishment for an offense that is impossible to commit!

Then again, it must have been this way for awhile - long enough that my directions simply told me to use the HOV lane! Check it out:

"Archaic Parking" -- Carriages and steam cars only, please.

This is how one sign was written:
No Pets
For Rent
Country House
--Except that I only saw the first 2 lines! LOL

"Huge Tire Sale" -- Apparently they have special prices for all your Caterpillar needs!

Above a drinking fountain:
"Do not pour anything down this drain". --- Um, including water?

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