Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shot in the Heart - What Happens to You on Valentine's Day?

So a cute little cupid flies around shooting arrows at "random" people. The story goes that if a person is shot in the heart by one of cupid's arrows, he or she will fall in love.
Being "shot in the heart" seems sardonically appropriate for Valentine's Day.

A Shot in The Heart
Couples usually experience "a shot in the heart" around Valentine's Day. Some start dating, some get married, and for most, it's a very special day. It's a holiday set aside to give an opportunity to express love, and reaffirm relationship. For those who are together on this day, the shot in the heart may be expressed in many forms -- from lubby-dubby to serious realization and appreciation. Enjoy your shot in the heart!

Shot in The Heart
But for many, this special day feels more like "getting shot in the heart." Those arrows work pain as well as love! Imagine - It's Valentine's Day. You're single. Bang! - shoot you in the heart. Painful, broken, bleeding -- not quite what Cupid had in mind.

For a single on Valentine's Day, it may be an all-too-intense slap-in-the-face (thus the affectionate title, "Slap-a-single-in-the-face Day"). It's a constant reminder about what they do not have. To make things worse, on Valentine's Day, friends refer to singleness almost as an ailment, offering advice on "what to do about it" or "how to fix it."

"Stupid Cupid" members may celebrate "Singles Awareness Day" moping, depressed, or balanced with their own parties. It's so bad, that "15% of U.S. women send themselvesflowers on Valentine's Day." (1)

There are some couples, separated by distance, war, etc. who are also feeling "shot in the heart" on this day. The singles will accept you. After all, misery loves company; feel free to come to our parties. One rule: Enjoy yourself -- DON'T spend the time whining about your significant other. If you're going to do that, you might as well join all the couples at the Valentine Bash.

Singles, Change the Day!
For couples, I have no suggestions. You know pretty well what you're supposed to do on this day, lol.
But for those who are single, change it up! Break out above and be a leader!

Don't focus on what you don't have - celebrate what you do have!
Make Valentine's Day a day to express appreciation! Instead of focusing on romantic relationships, why not celebrate friends and family? Do you have people in your life who mean a lot to you? Have you told them recently? Why not spend this Valentine's Day hanging out with the people you love and appreciate the most? If you can't be with them, how about calling a close friend just to express how much you appreciate them? Sure, you can forget the Valentine card, but why not write a letter to someone who has been a significant influence in your life?
"It's about appreciating those closest to you." (2)

“There are, however, so many abuses, so many dangers and incitements to evil, in the usages of this day, that it would be well for the virtue of thousands if its observance were wholly abandoned.”
Notes & Queries, February 1863


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