Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can you mix IM and face-to-face? (POLL!)

Can you mix IM and face-to-face? POLL!

Hey guys, I want your opinions!
Social interaction has changed, and there's a bunch of unwritten rules that go along with it.
In your opinion, what's the rule on "crossing networks"? Most people don't have a problem following up a face-to-face conversation by IM, txt, facebook, tweet, etc, but what about other arrangements?

Does information shared on one network stay on that network?

Questions to think about:
(for you over-analytical thinkers, the "I" is relative and hypothetical in the questions below)

1. Can I reply to your tweet by making a comment on your facebook?

2. Is it ok to bring up yesterday's IM conversation at today's lunch conversation?

3. Can I reply to your text by sending you a tweet?

4. We talked about some deep personal hurts and stuff last night on IM. It is weird to continue that conversation in person the next time I see you?

5. I missed your phone call, so I posted on your facebook asking what you wanted. How do you feel about that?

6. We're talking on the phone and commenting back and forth on facebook at the same time. Why are they two totally separate conversations?

7. We're sitting in the same room within comfortable talking distance. I IM you instead of talking. What's your response to that?

8. Is it ok if when you text me; I call you instead of texting back?

9. Can I tweet you about a status you just posted on facebook? (Specific example: If your facebook indicates you just broke up, can I send you a tweet with my condolances?)

10. It is ok to refer to IM chats in facebook comments and twitter tweets?

Bonus Question
11. I have died. I have also set up an automatic blog/status/and tweet poster that keeps posting for the next two weeks. Are you freaked out?

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