Sunday, April 5, 2009

To the Monastery I Go

We had a guys dorm trip to the Abbey of Gethsemani yesterday.  It was a really neat experience.  The Abbey grounds are open to visitors every day for the purpose of Spiritual retreat.

We checked out the gift shop, where they sell the fudge and cheese they make right there at the Abbey.  Then we all spread out for a day of quiet, reading, and reflection.  They have some trails where you can take walks (sometimes referred to as "prayer walks"), enjoy nature, get some exercise, think, and pray. 

Well, first, it just so happens that they have 3000 acres of property!  So these trails were a lot more extensive than I imagined!  Second, they were hit very badly by the recent ice and wind storms, in some areas having lost close to 50% of their trees.  So ... what started out as a nice prayer walk across rolling grassy hills became a rather intensive hike up a steep logging trail, climbing over downed trees, in the midst of a severely damaged forest!  To make things more interesting, the trail completely disappears, so we ended up just traveling through the woods.  It was a nice hike, though completely unanticipated.

Got back a bit late for the 12:15 prayers.  This was my first time in any kind of Catholic service.  I believe it was called a prayer time, and so not what we would think of as a regular service.  It was just 15 minutes long, with sung recitation of several Psalms, punctuated with brief prayers.

Afterward, we had lunch.  Unfortunately, the place we chose to eat was infested with ticks, so we had to get ticked-off.  It was really bad.  They were not swarming, like ants do, but it was the most ticks I've ever seen in one place.  The amount was more like flies on farms in Iowa.  Anyway, we evacuated and rescued our foodstuffs.

I spent the afternoon quietly reading on the hill of the cross.  It overlooks beautiful countryside.  The view is very open, and you can see a long way -- just how I like it. :)

I attended the afternoon prayers at 2:15 (same format), then walked the trail to the Garden of Gethsemani.  As you walk through, they have representations of the disciples sleeping, Jesus praying in agony, and finally, the cross.  It was a very nice presentation.  We left around 3:30pm.

All in all, I really enjoyed it.  I really like the sung recitation of the Psalms (it's kind of like chanting, but quite musical, and was accompanied by organ).  It was very God-focused, and I was very able to worship.  There was almost nothing in the entire place that was troubling to me, or that make me uneasy.  I mention that because I have had uncomfortable experiences in certain other branches of Christian religion, so I was kind of expecting it here.

Whether or not those who were there have a genuine relationship with Christ or not, the place certainly holds great value for those who do.  As a Christian, I was directed to God, my thoughts were focused toward Him, and I was able to truly worship and pray.

The best part about the whole thing is the opportunity for solitude, silence, and contemplation.  The whole area is mostly noise-free, and it is easy to get alone.  There are great views, open fields, ponds and creeks, forest, mountains, and cloisters.  It is easy to rest and reflect.

I enjoyed my visit, and I wish we could have stayed longer.  I would like to go back, and it's on my list of places to stop at if I have extra time on a trip.

1 comment:

Mary Rebekah said...

David, I decided to drop by your page. I really liked this post. It was quite interesting, and you know what? You write well.

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