Saturday, April 25, 2009

Feel the Breeze: Somebody Left the Mind Open

I wish to have an open mind like an open receiving dock -- where everything is evaluated and processed in due order. Most people advocate an open mind like the open air -- there's very little there, and it simply allows everything to pass through.

We've got everything all backward. Walmart Stores reject semi loads if the refrigerator temperature is just 1 degree too low, because it might be bad. But if we reject ideas because they might be bad (they seem to be off a little bit, but we just can't put our finger on it), we are mocked and ridiculed. Can you imagine the semi driver yelling at the Walmart receiving department, "Come on, have an open mind! At least give this stuff a try!" Yet this is what we hear all the time. Walmart is intolerant, and they are right.

Why are ideas supposed to just be accepted, while products must meet a standard?
Is there no standard for ideas?

Where is the standard for ideas that determines that 1 degree? God's Word, the Bible, studied aright and interpreted as a whole. Just as you can't go on only 1 sentence out of the receiving dock manual, you cannot just read 1 verse of the Bible. Please read the Manual completely before servicing.

My friend, if your idea is just 1 degree off, it might be best for me to reject it. I can't afford the damage and loss if it's bad. I can't afford the risk.

"The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid. Otherwise it is more akin to a sewer, taking in all things equally."
— G.K. Chesterton

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