Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday, December 7

"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."
--President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Today is the day/date anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.  It is again, on this 67th anniversary, Sunday, December 7th.

Today, we remember those who lost their lives in an conflict that was all at once a surprise, a military error, a double-cross, a lucky break, and a great tragedy.  The Japanese launched an air and sea raid on Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii.  It was a complete surprise, and they did much damage before we were able to muster a response.  It was the key that brought the United States into World War II.
The casualty reports are staggering, especially for a conflict that occurred on American soil, without much of a fair fight.

Our soldiers were relatively quiet and content on this Sunday, but were soon required to give their lives for their country.  This day, we remember our soldiers, we remember our values, we remember our country.
Pray for our soldiers.  Honor and respect them.  May God bless our troops.

The nation that brought us into WWII by one of the few attacks to our own soil, is now one of our closest allies.  God has granted a victory which could never be accomplished by all the wisdom of man.

Remember Pearl Harbor.

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