Saturday, November 15, 2008

What's it Matter? -- Really?

Thoughts from some time ago, but I can't say it any better:

So, tonight, a prospective student, Tommy*, told me he's planning to come to KMBC.  He's not growing much where he is, and he really feels that God wants him at KMBC.  I am very very happy to hear this.  I often worry about the youth I get to talk with, and the decisions they are making in their lives.  I have been praying for Tommy.  I am overjoyed that he is wanting to follow the Lord and grow in his spiritual life!

Then, I walked into my closet, and saw the grille for my still-in-the-shop VW Jetta. It has provided several frustrations for my life, and been the opportunity for removing some financial excess.  However, tonight, it meant nothing to me.  The cost, the frustration--all meant nothing.  I would gladly take much more of that, if only it meant more Tommys become strong in God's kingdom.

Take all from me if you will, but use me to bring many sons to glory.  May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!

*not real name

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