Monday, January 1, 2018

Why I'm not Anxious about 2018

When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of taking communion. I grew up in church, and was taught to respect the sacrament. And then there's the verses in the Bible that say disrespect for the Lord's Supper is the reason “why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died” (1 Cor 11:30). So even though I had accepted Christ as my savior, when it came time for communion, I did some serious soul-searching! I wanted to make sure I was right with the Lord!

The truth is, that attitude I developed in childhood kinda stuck with me. Now don't get me wrong - it's a good thing to have a regular time for soul-searching and making sure everything is right. But I was missing the other side – the most important part of communion.

My church has a watchnight service on New Year's Eve to bring in the New Year with food and games, and then communion and prayer. Out of habit, I immediately began my prayer time by searching my heart to make sure everything was right between me and God. But then, it was as though God stopped me, and focused me on one word – communion. Communion isn't a time of fear. It's a time of togetherness and fellowship. Enjoying being with each other. We had just finished a meal together as church family, and enjoyed being together. The communion service is supposed to be just that same thing, with Christ.

“I want to go into 2018 together,” it seemed that God was saying. And my focus changed. 2018 isn't about what might go wrong in the world, or even what I'm supposed to be doing. Communion to start a New Year is a reminder that we enter the new year hand-in-hand with our Savior. He wants to enter this new year together. Together. There is no reason to be anxious when walking together with the Lord.

So, I raise my communion glass to the Lord as the clock strikes midnight – “Together, bring on 2018”.

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