Saturday, April 5, 2014

Is an unborn baby a viable human life?

JONES: Sir, please state why you believe murdering unborn children should be a legal and protected practice.

SMITH: It isn't murder, and it isn't a child.

JONES: How can you argue that it isn't a child? Genetically, the baby is 100% human. It's a human baby when it is born. Why do you say that it isn't a human baby before it's born?

SMITH: It's a non-viable blob of tissue. It's not a human because it cannot live on it's own. It's not murder because it's non-viable. It wouldn't live anyway.

JONES: I see. Bailiff, would you kindly take a large vice and crush the witness's head?

SMITH: What!? You're asking the Bailiff to kill me!?

JONES: No, I'm not. It's not murder. I have determined that you are non-viable.

SMITH: But I'm living on my own right now! I'm alive! I'm perfectly viable!

JONES: No, sir, you're not. You see, if I removed you from the earth's atmosphere right now and pulled you into outer space, you would die quickly. So you see, you're non-viable.

SMITH: But that's a totally different environment! If you leave me here, I'll be perfectly fine.

JONES: You said it exactly. You see, an unborn baby is perfectly viable. If we leave it right where it is, it will continue to live and to grow. It will be born and transition naturally to the stage where you agree it is viable (birth). It will do all of this automatically.
You argue that the baby is not viable because if we suddenly yanked it out of its environment into a different one, it would die quickly. But as I demonstrated, so would you. That baby is perfectly viable in the environment that it is in, if we leave it there.

Therefore, by your own words, you have demonstrated an unborn baby to be a viable human being.

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