Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are You Surviving?

Why get a job so you can survive in this life?
Why just live life, and tag God onto it?
Sure that's great and all -- but life is nothing if you're just surviving it. You're just making money to get along, so you can continue to survive in life.

Is it not so much better to use your life completely for God? Serving Him personally, yes, but so much more. Why not spend your life being a witness and a minister for Christ, telling others about Him? Are you actively trying to build the Kingdom?
Yes, we must "survive" life, but if surviving is all we do, what good is it? Would it not be better to "survive" only 4 years of life, and have used those 4 years completely for God?

I'm not saying that a secular career is bad. You can be a minister for God in a secular career too. But we have about 85 years here, and then we're gone. Just 85 years - it's not really much time. And for most of us, we've used at least 1/4 of it already. And it really won't matter how well-off we were. Our money won't matter and our job won't matter. One thing will matter -- Did we make a difference?

This life isn't going to matter once we're gone. Why on earth are we spending 95% of life just "surviving" life? That means 95% of everything is absolutely worthless! Why not spend all of life for God? Maybe that means 80% working with people -eternal people- and just 20% to support ourselves doing it.

Why not?
Is your life worth anything or are you just surviving?

"The length of our days is seventy years--or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away."
-Psalm 90:10
"I've never understood why people spend all day at a job they don't like, to support a life they aren't happy with, and to pay for a house they don't live in!"

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